Grant Guidelines

The Beim Foundation supports grants in the areas of arts, education, environment and human services.

Grantmaking Programs and Guidelines

The Beim Foundation makes grants through the Minnesota Legacy Program and the Regional Grant Program.

Minnesota Legacy Program 

Through the Minnesota Legacy Program, The Beim Foundation awards grants to nonprofit organizations located in the seven-county Twin Cities metro area. Under this granting program, the Foundation supports a limited number or organizations.

In 2024, under the Minnesota Legacy Program, The Beim Foundation will invite proposals from a limited number of organizations. Invitations will be extended in late January. Unsolicited proposals will not be considered.

The Beim Foundation does not support the following –

  • Individuals
  • Private foundations
  • Political organizations or campaigns
  • Religious organizations, including schools, except for secular human activities
  • Organizations that have as a substantial part of their purpose, the influencing of legislation
  • Memberships, subscriptions, tickets for benefits, conferences, fundraising events, annual campaigns
  • Endowments

Grantmaking Philosophy
In all of its grantmaking, the Foundation supports projects that are strengths-based, focus on prevention, and apply common sense solutions to community needs. The Foundation favors innovative approaches that are participant designed, leverage community resources, and have a ripple effect in the community.

Regional Grant Program

The Beim Foundation’s Regional Grant program is a small funding program awarding grants in specific geographic communities throughout the United States (communities may change from year to year and a community being eligible one year is not a guarantee of future eligibility).

The Regional Program’s granting guidelines are currently under review. Please check back in June 2024.